How many raws to order when cutting smaller bits from standard length raws.
Too much or too little cost money. Stock is expensive and not enough of it creates unwanted delays and business loss.
This situation is knowned as the cutting problem.
What looks very simple at the first approch, appears rapidly to be a dauting chalenge and time consuming task.
Cutting drinking straw, aluminium profiles, copper bars, paper rol, wood logs, pipes, coils, rolls or any other material into smaller pieces, the problem remains the same.
The paper industry was the first confrontated with the cutting stock problem.
how to cut the rolls into smaller widths and minimize the amount of scrap.
With Clever Beaver leftover from current or previous sessions are reused to minimize the to scrap material.
Clever Beaver keeps the produce saw dust quantity and report it in the scrap report
Clever Beaver the solution for the cutting stock problem.
Operating modes:
Quote mode:
Get the quantity of raws needed to fulfill the order in such a way as to minimize the amount of scrap and quote the exact quantity.
after defining the parameters
Main Units (cm or mm, imperial soon)
Raw Standard Length
Saw blade thickness or Shearing cuts.
Returned calculations visible as graphical bars and table.
Graphical bars:
Master Length used
Cuts obtained from master
Leftover length
Master Length used
Cuts obtained from master
Total used length from master
Leftover length
Logged subscribers are able to export to-cut list (csv)
Cutter mode (logged subscribers): Parameters:
Main Units (cm or mm, imperial soon)
Raw Standard Length automatically retrieved from selected vendor raw
Saw blade thickness or Shearing cuts.
Tolerance (to use leftovers smaller than the requested length).
Vendor/part number selection. (available raw stock is visible)
Import previuosly saved quote
combine if necessary different order with similar raws
If not enough stock to perform the request a message is returned and stock is not changed.
If stock is ok, calculations are returned as graphical bars and table stock is changed.
Additionnal buttons
Import previously saved csv quote:
Export result sheet as excel list for processing work shop:
Button to create pdf list of bar codes to identify each cut (order reference, length, n of N)
Graphical bars:
Master Length used
Cuts obtained from master
Leftover length
Master Length used
Cuts obtained from master
Total used length from master
Leftover length
Stock management (logged subscribers):
Scrap bin:
reports saw dust and scrapped non-usable leftovers in Kg and USD based on the latest information from London Metal Exchange
View stock details
Adjust initial stock quantity
Adjust stock quantity
Send to scrap by item
Send to scrap by maximum length
Add part number from vendor list
View details for part number from vendor list source document(pdf)
In Short: Cutting by sawing or shearing from master raw's stock while minimizing the to scrap leftovers size is a very complex task.
Clever beaver is an application specially designed for this goal.
Once cutting-stock process is launched it generates a report (can be exported) and returns a graphical representation of the master bar with the different cuts and leftovers as well.
Saw blade thickness can be adjusted and the dust produced during sawing the bars is calculated and information is reported with the estimated value based on the latest
London Metal exchange information for non-ferrous metals(aluminium,copper), this is interesting for valuable materials like copper or silver bars or other materials.
Main units
Currently centimeters and millimeters, to come inches and feet
Raw Standard Length
Raws can have different standard length
In quote mode, the raw material standard length can be adjusted when differing with the preloaded value.
Cutting type
Shearing does not waste material since the cut width is equal to zero while with sawing, the blade creates saw dust which can be valuable (depends on the material used). Clever beaver calculates the total volume of saw dust and report it with the wasted length so you can evaluate the total value of the to scrap onhand material list.
Clever beaver takes the saw blade width in account to keep stock accuracy
Wasted materiale
Define the size which should be considered as waste and should scrapped
The wasted material is reported with the saw dust if any and evaluate its total weight.